Claudia Jones Memorial Lecture 2024
Registration is now open for the lecture hosted by the NUJ's Black Members Council on 5 December. Book a place to hear from Margaret Kimberley, executive editor and senior columnist of Black Agenda Report.
NUJ Disabled Members’ Council calls for action to address the disability pay gap
Thursday 7 November is ‘Disability Pay Gap Day’, the day when the average disabled person stops getting paid compared to the average non-disabled person.
Gendered ageism in the media industry
Watch the 60+ Council's webinar with Professor Karen Ross talking about what happens to women as they get older in the media industry.
Have your say on legal threats to journalists and the chilling effect on media freedom
The NUJ is urging members to respond to a call for evidence about the use of SLAPPs in England and Wales.
World Press Freedom Day
NUJ reflects on this year's 'journalism under digital siege' theme and explores wider threats to journalists globally.
What journalists need to know about the Human Rights Act – and why it needs protecting
NUJ Ethic's Council and British Institute of Human Rights webinar