Welcome to the NUJ Trade Union Training programme. This customised programme is for all chapel reps, both new and experienced. Whether you are negotiating changes in terms and conditions, representing your members or giving them advice, there is something for everyone here. Meeting reps, sharing good practice and experience, and networking with other members who are active in chapels are all central to the training.

For new reps, or reps who have done no previous trade union training, there is a three-strand programme. All reps, regardless of their roles or responsibilities in the chapel, begin with the New Reps' Induction Workshop then move straight onto the NUJ Stage 1 course. This is the first step in a four-stage programme that leads on to a two-part equality and three-part health and safety programme. While equality and H&S have been pulled out into different strands, they are also embedded into every aspect of the programme. All Trade Union Training is held on-line using Zoom.

Additional workshops include:

  • Organising and Campaigning  ̶  covering both recognised and unrecognised workplaces. Please email [email protected] to have your name added to the list of interested reps.
  • Getting Your Voice Heard – this workshop will help you develop your individual and collective voice. Again, please email [email protected] to have your name added to the list of interested reps.

For reps who have completed the above courses, advanced training is available in areas such as:

  • Dealing with bullying and harassment
  • Collectively challenging work-related stress
  • Advanced negotiating skills

New workshops are added throughout the year, so keep an eye on NUJ Active for updates.

There are also workshops that chapels can arrange for their members by contacting [email protected]. These are aimed at chapels who are organising around recognition, or who want to encourage members to become more involved in chapel activity.

These workshops are:

  • Learning more about the NUJ
  • Knowing your rights

If you have ideas of workshops that you would like us to develop for your members, please let us know at [email protected]. We are always interested in adding new workshops to the programme to support you in your chapel roles.


30 Oct 2024

Reps' Training Stage 1, 30 October 2024
Trade union training

13 Nov 2024

Health, Safety and Welfare Workshop Stage 3, 13 November 2024
Trade union training

13 Nov 2024

Equality Workshop Stage 2, 13 November 2024
Trade union training

20 Nov 2024

Reps' Training Stage 3, 20 November 2024
Trade union training

27 Nov 2024

Reps' Training Stage 4, 27 November 2024
Trade union training

28 Nov 2024

NUJ Reps’ Induction Workshop, 28 November 2024
Trade union training

4 Dec 2024

Organising & Recruitment, 4 December 2024
Trade union training

22 Jan 2025

Health, Safety and Welfare Workshop Stage 2, 22 January 2025
Trade union training

22 Jan 2025

NUJ Reps’ Induction Workshop, 22 January 2025
Trade union training

29 Jan 2025

Reps' Training Stage 1, 29 January 2025
Trade union training

5 Feb 2025

Reps' Training Stage 2, 5 February 2025
Trade union training

12 Feb 2025

Equality Workshop Stage 1, 12 February 2025
Trade union training

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