Membership card

Your membership card shows that you are a member of the union. It cannot be used as press accreditation. This is a permanent card that you will receive with your welcome letter. Replacement cards can be requested.
There are different cards for different categories of members, as well as different cards for UK and Irish members. If you change category, for example from student to full membership, you will receive a new card.
you need to log in to the website if you wish to apply for or renew a press card.
If you are having issues with logging in or applying then please read through this guide:

Press Cards
UK press card

The NUJ press card is formally recognised by all police forces in the UK and de facto by other public bodies so it is an important working tool for journalists in the UK.
As a member of the UK press card scheme, the union issues more than half the cards in circulation in the UK. The union issues cards free of charge to members eligible to carry them under the rules of the scheme.
This card is in English, but a Welsh version can be requested by people living and working in Wales.
Republic of Ireland press card

The NUJ in Ireland issues a press card to members and it is recognised by the statutory agencies, police, army, etc. Ireland does not have the gate keeper system which operates in the UK.
This card is available in either English or Irish.
IFJ International press card
The NUJ can also supply members with International Press cards. These cards are issued by the International Federation of Journalists through the NUJ and are for journalists working in foreign countries.
There is an additional cost for this card. If you would like to apply for an international press card, you will need to supply a passport style photo.
Student press cards

UK student press card
Student members in the UK can apply for a UK student press card.
Republic of Ireland student press card
Student members in the Republic of Ireland can apply for the Irish student card.
This card is avaliable in either English or Irish.