
News, publications, events and training.


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IFJ launches fund supporting public interest journalism in Palestine

The fund will provide $1m to media organisations in Palestine and aims to protect the future of media amid ongoing conflict in the region.

26 July 2024
Natasha Hirst, David Nicholson & Nick Powell holding NUJ flags by a Valuing Journalism banner
NUJ “shocked and saddened” at sudden death of Nick Powell, chair of the Welsh Executive Council

Tributes are being made to the highly respected and popular political broadcast journalist.

26 July 2024
NUJ urges Garda commissioner to halt pursuit of media footage

Séamus Dooley, NUJ Irish Secretary, has warned of risks to journalists' safety if they are perceived as collating information for forces.

26 July 2024

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Journalist magazine August 2024

See this issue's great cover by Steve Bell and a story behind the picture on Nigel Farage’s campaigning. We also take a look at overseeing an election...

18 July 2024
Matt Kenyon - Police relations350
NUJ Informed July 2024

Lisa Nandy, the new Culture Secretary; Michelle Stanistreet’s message, plus reactions to news that she will be stepping down, the revamped News Recove...

12 July 2024
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NUJ Branch July 2024

July's edition catches up with industrial victories at Springer Nature and the Press Association; looks at the party manifestos for media policy; repo...

02 July 2024

More resources


Reps' Training Stage 1, 31 July 2024

31 July 2024

Reps' Training Stage 1, 31 July 2024

Putting together a pay claim, dealing with a bullying manager, creating an active chapel and negotiating a robust house agreement are among the skills...

Trade union training
Equality Workshop stage 1, 31 July 2024

31 July 2024

Equality Workshop stage 1, 31 July 2024

Become an NUJ equality rep with the union's two-stage training.

Trade union training
NUJ Reps’ Induction Workshop, 18 September 2024

18 September 2024

NUJ Reps’ Induction Workshop, 18 September 2024
Trade union training

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