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  • Court of Appeal
NUJ welcomes BBC pension case ruling

The NUJ is pleased to note the recent ruling of the Court of Appeal, in which three judges dismissed the BBC’s appeal confirming that it can only make changes to its pension schemes in limited circumstances.

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NUJ responds to Supreme Court Rwanda ruling

The union's Black Members' Council said it was a welcome reversal of an inhumane policy. 

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NUJ and Liberty force government to amend Snoopers’ Charter

The Court of Appeal has handed down its judgment in the latest stage of Liberty’s legal action challenging the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, in which the NUJ intervened on behalf of its members to lead on arguments on the protection of journalistic communications and sources.

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Cadwalladr Court of Appeal decision a major blow to public interest journalism

The Court of Appeal has instructed journalist Carole Cadwalladr to pay costs in excess of £1m to multimillionaire Arron Banks.  

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19 May 2023
NUJ intervenes in Liberty's "Snoopers’ Charter" appeal

On 10 May, the Court of Appeal heard how bulk powers under the Investigatory Powers Act, also known as the 'Snoopers' Charter', violates the rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

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10 May 2023
NUJ “concerned and disappointed” that new mothers who lost out on Covid-aid payments will not be paid 

The Court of Appeal has ruled that self-employed women on maternity leave were indirectly discriminated against.