Israel: Al Jazeera shutdown is dangerous and wrong
Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said: "Targeting Al Jazeera as the Israeli government has is a direct attack on free speech that brings shame on those responsible – I hope they will soon realise their error and reverse this decision.”
Israel: new law granting closure of foreign media outlets threatens media freedom
The NUJ has warned against the closure of Al Jazeera and other international media outlets, following passage of a bill by the Israeli government banning broadcasting of foreign media over threats to national security.
Israel: government to shut down critical media alleged to ‘undermine national security’
The Israeli government has approved a new regulation that will shut news channels which ‘damage national security’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Israel to review its decision in the name of media pluralism and the public’s right to know.
NUJ welcomes settlement in pay dispute with Al Jazeera
Planned strikes will no longer take place following the company's 4.5% pay offer to members in 2022 and 2023.
NUJ members vote for industrial action in pay dispute with Al Jazeera
After almost three years of no pay increase, NUJ members at Al Jazeera have voted 96.97 per cent in favour of industrial action and 100 per cent in favour of industrial action short of a strike.
Industrial action ballot results - NUJ trade dispute with Al Jazeera International ltd
October 2022 ballot results of the NUJ trade dispute with Al Jazeera.
NUJ to ballot members at Al Jazeera
Members employed by Al Jazeera International Ltd are being balloted on whether they are prepared to take part in strike action and action short of strike.
DM2021 5PM Talk-In: Journalism under attack, the unions fight back!
Press representatives from Palestine, India, Turkey, Namibia and America join Jeremy Dear, deputy general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists.
The Journalist July August 2018
Copyright has been under sustained attack in the digital age, whether it is through flagrant breaches by people hoping they can use photos and content without paying or genuine ignorance by some who believe that if something is downloadable then it’s free.