Report of voting - trade dispute with Guardian News and Media Limited
Ballot results of the NUJ trade dispute with Guardian News and Media Limited.
NUJGS 2024-29 - Application - HIRST Natasha
Laura Davison and Natasha Hirst – have been endorsed to stand as candidates for the post of the NUJ’s general secretary. Find out more about Natasha.
NUJGS 2024-29 - Application - DAVISON Laura
Laura Davison and Natasha Hirst – have been endorsed to stand as candidates for the post of the NUJ’s general secretary. Find out more about Laura.
NUJ Job Description and Person Spec - National Organiser (Broadcasting) Sept-Oct 2024
Based in the NUJ's head office in London, the national organiser (broadcasting) will head up the department dealing with broadcasting members within the union.
NUJ Application Form - National Organiser (Broadcasting) Sept-Oct 2024
Based in the NUJ's head office in London, the national organiser (broadcasting) will head up the department dealing with broadcasting members within the union.
First Minister FEU Letter August 8 (yn Gymraeg)
Wrth i Gymru ddathlu diwylliant a’r iaith Gymraeg ym Mhontypridd yn yr Eisteddfod eleni, mae'r undebau llafur sy’n cynrychioli ysgrifenwyr, cerddorion, perfformwyr, dawnswyr, newyddiadurwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol y tu ôl i’r llenni a'r sgrin wedi ysgrifennu at Brif Weinidog newydd Cymru yn mynegi eu pryder sylweddol am ddyfodol y celfyddydau a diwylliant yn ein gwlad.
First Minister FEU Letter August 8
As Wales gathers in Pontypridd for this year's Eisteddfod in celebration of Welsh culture and language, trade unions comprising the Wales Federation of Entertainment Unions (Bectu, Equity, Musicians Union, Writers' Guild of Great Britain and National Union of Journalists) and representing the country's writers, musicians, performers and creative practitioners, journalists, crew, front of house and backstage media professionals, have written to the new First Minister of Wales expressing shared and deep alarm about the future.
NUJ application form - National Organiser (Broadcasting) July 2024
Application form for NUJ national organiser broadcasting. The deadline for receipt of applications has been extended from 27 August to Noon 9th September.
Election statement for the editor of The Journalist - Craig THOMAS
Pitch from Craig Thomas
Election statement for the editor of The Journalist- Brian PELAN
Pitch from Brian Pelan.