NUJ Disabled Members’ Council calls for action to address the disability pay gap
Thursday 7 November is ‘Disability Pay Gap Day’, the day when the average disabled person stops getting paid compared to the average non-disabled person.
Disabled Members’ Council calls on course providers and exam boards to improve access for disabled students
The council has welcomed guidance by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, advising how higher education providers should ensure access and reasonable adjustments for disabled students.
NUJ Disabled Members’ Council calls for lasting improvements to access for disabled people
As the Paralympics and the achievements of Paralympians draw worldwide attention, the National Union of Journalists calls on the media industry to play its part in challenging the lack of access and inclusion in everyday life.
Disabled Members’ Council calls for #InclusivePressAccess to the general election campaign
The union is calling on political parties to make their press events and campaign activities accessible to disabled journalists.
The NUJ Disabled Members' Council welcomes new BBC guidance on accessible images
The guidance launched by the BBC outlines how to make images and visual data accessible, especially for people who use screen readers to access information online.
IPSO must act on negative narratives about disabled people and welfare recipients
The union’s Ethics and Disabled Members councils have urged the regulator to insist on ethical reporting.
NUJ Disabled Members’ Council statement on representation of disabled people in the media
The DMC has called on the media industry to take action to address unethical reporting on disability issues
DM2023: equality
Discrimination and prejudice in the workplace needs to be called out and robust polices put in place, conference agreed.
TUC Disabled Workers' Conference 2022
NUJ delegates joined trade union colleagues to set the agenda to secure decent working opportunities for disabled workers.
TUC calls for long Covid to be recognised as a disability
The condition needs to recognised as an occupational disease, to give workers access to legal protections and compensation.