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  • Russia
Russia: NUJ condemns journalists’ imprisonment

The union joins the International Federation of Journalists in calling for the immediate release of Alsu Kurmasheva and Evan Gershkovich, imprisoned in the country.

NUJ logo (website).png

25 Jul 2024
Russia: Ukrainian journalist detained by authorities

Russia’s Ministry of Defence confirms Viktoria Roshchyna, previously reported missing has been arrested.


30 May 2024
Russia: court extends detention of journalist Evan Gershkovich

NUJ calls for espionage charges against Gershkovich to be dropped.


03 Apr 2024
NUJ repeats its call for the release of Evan Gershkovich

Russian authorities have extended pre-trial detention of the American journalist until 30 March.

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31 Jan 2024
120 journalists killed in 2023

The International Federation of Journalists’ annual list of journalists killed records the highest number of deaths in recent years.

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31 Dec 2023
Ukraine: Russian missiles strike journalists’ hotel

NUJ condemns second attack in recent weeks targeting journalists reporting from Ukraine.

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08 Aug 2023
Ukraine: journalist Bohdan Bitik  killed  

Bitik is the 13th media worker killed in Ukraine since Russia’s invasion into the country.

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27 Apr 2023
Russia: NUJ joins IFJ in calling for release of Evan Gershkovich

Journalist is the first from a US outlet to face espionage charges in Russia since the cold war.

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04 Apr 2023
Ukraine: one year anniversary of Russian’s invasion

NUJ urges members to donate to the International Federation of Journalists’ safety fund providing support and assistance to Ukrainian journalists.

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24 Feb 2023

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