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  • media freedom
NUJ describes the Wall Street Journal’s sacking of Hong Kong Journalists’ Association chair as “shocking”

Michelle Stanistreet said the newspaper’s action flies in the face of its claim to be a beacon for press freedom.

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China: journalists arbitrarily arrested and sentenced

The NUJ has condemned the arrests of journalists in the country and called on Chinese authorities to end its persecution of media workers.

IFJ website logo

04 Jul 2024
Nigeria: journalist charged over reporting on local businessman

NUJ condemns charges that could see Precious Eze Chukunonso imprisoned for up to two years if convicted.

IFJ website logo

04 Jul 2024
‘A victory for common sense, media freedom and human decency’ says Tim Dawson

The International Federation of Journalists’ deputy general secretary reports on latest developments following news of a plea deal for Julian Assange.

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25 Jun 2024
NUJ welcomes release of Julian Assange

The union has welcomed reports indicating Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with US authorities.

IFJ protest Julian Assange

25 Jun 2024
PSNI report on access to journalist’s records grounds for grave concern

The NUJ has expressed grave concern at a report of the PSNI Chief Constable regarding the use of covert powers against journalists and lawyers.

Attendees hold posters and wave NUJ flags as they pose for a photo with NUJ Belfast& District branch banner with red NUJ logo.

07 Jun 2024
NUJ hails PSNI review as "important step towards transparency"

The union will participate in an advisory group as part of an independent review of PSNI use of surveillance against groups including journalists.


04 Jun 2024
Russia: Ukrainian journalist detained by authorities

Russia’s Ministry of Defence confirms Viktoria Roshchyna, previously reported missing has been arrested.


30 May 2024
Palestine: journalist shot by Israeli army

NUJ joins the International Federation of Journalists in condemning an attack by Israeli soldiers on Palestinian journalist Amr Manasra.

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23 May 2024

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