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  • #KeepBBCLocalRadioLocal
NUJ welcomes watchdog’s delay of a new spin-off BBC 2 “oldies” online station

Ofcom said it could have an adverse impact on competition, the NUJ says the funds should be used to protect local radio.

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Ballot opens on BBC Local offer 

NUJ members working across BBC Local are urged to vote before 13 November on a new proposal put forward in the ongoing dispute.

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MPs’ report says BBC’s local radio policy diminishes the service

The BBC’s policy of greater sharing of programming across the local radio network “risks undermining the sense of localness that has, until now, made BBC local radio distinct”, says the cross-party Culture, Media and Sport Committee.

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Disability and equality concerns over BBC Local Radio cuts

NUJ calls on BBC to conduct an equality impact assessment into staff redundancies, including on those from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds.

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BBC journalists vote to renew their industrial action mandate over cuts to local radio

The union now has a mandate for strike action, but will continue talks with management.

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“Your local news may be affected by industrial action…”

BBC local radio listeners had a taste of the future , as strikes across the network in England resulted in the reduced service they can expect under the corporation’s upcoming plans.


Support the BBC strike!

BBC Local journalists are out on strike again today – from 11am on Thursday 20 July to 11am Friday 21 July – go along and support them.

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#NUJBBCStrike - solidarity messages

BBC Local journalists begin 24 hour strike action today at 11am. Messages of solidarity have been shared in support of action opposing cuts to local radio.

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20 Jul 2023
BBC journalists strike for the third time to save local radio

BBC journalists are out on strike again – from 11am on Thursday 20 July to 11am Friday 21 July – go along on visit them.

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