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  • George Floyd
NUJ statement on the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder

The union’s Black Members’ Council said his death must lead to changes in policing, politics and culture.

George Floyd

25 May 2021
NUJ Branch June 2020

Michelle Stanistreet on her evidence session on the future of journalism to members of the Lords; Dominic Blake, FoC for BBC Radio Solent, on radio’s role during Covid-19; and a report from Newcastle branch.

Cover: NUJ Branch June 2020

18 Jun 2020

Displaying 2 results

  • Active filters:
  • George Floyd
NUJ statement on the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder

The union’s Black Members’ Council said his death must lead to changes in policing, politics and culture.

George Floyd

25 May 2021
NUJ Branch June 2020

Michelle Stanistreet on her evidence session on the future of journalism to members of the Lords; Dominic Blake, FoC for BBC Radio Solent, on radio’s role during Covid-19; and a report from Newcastle branch.

Cover: NUJ Branch June 2020

18 Jun 2020