NUJ backs Council of Europe call for improved journalist safety protections in Ireland
Anti-SLAPP provisions, PSNI surveillance and investment in public service broadcasting were among topics discussed at the two day meeting.
NUJ welcomes Conservative party U-turn on admission fees
Journalists attending party conference in October will no longer be charged a fee, following condemnation from the NUJ and industry.
Conservative party conference fees undermine press freedom
The NUJ has welcomed a Council of Europe alert urging a reversal of admission charges to this year’s Conservative party conference.
Council of Europe report shows alarming increase in attacks on press freedom
Red lights are "flashing" as reports of incidents increase
Covert powers must not override legal protections on UK press freedom
New powers enshrined in the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill must not override existing legal protections on press freedom.
Hands off press freedom: attacks on media in Europe must not become a new normal (2020)
Annual Report by the partner organisations to the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists.