NUJ Hi Viz - Issue 1
Issue one of the Health and Safety committee's newsletter explores work habits and health risks following the pandemic, latest activity from the campaigns team, good employer practice and more.
NUJ Branch September 2020
Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, reports on the virtual TUC Congress, commends members striking at Bullivant; campaign against the extradition of Julian Assange; and the joys of remote learning.
NUJ Branch July 2020
Annabelle Collins, Health Service Journal senior correspondent, reveals what it was like to work at the sharp-end as a specialist during the pandemic and tutor Carole Holmes on how the union can be there to help colleagues avoid mental distress and solve their problems.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
This year’s mental health awareness week (18-24 May) finds us in strange and difficult times – in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.