Reporting on rape: Changing the narrative

End Violence Against Women Coalition is hosting a webinar on how to report on rape responsibly and change social attitudes, as they launch a new resource for journalists.

Reporting on rape: Changing the narrative

How the media reports on violence against women and girls has real life consequences – shaping our collective attitudes and influencing behaviours.

Poor journalism reinforces harmful stereotypes and beliefs, and attitudes that tolerate and normalise sexual violence. But good journalism can raise awareness, inform the public and help shift these attitudes.

Journalists are facing multiple pressures – balancing the demands of a 24-hour news cycle, pressure to drive high engagement, meeting standards of conduct and sensitivity to victims, journalistic integrity, and more.

Join us for a discussion about our new resource, based on analysis of 12 years of media reporting on rape, and how we can move towards responsible reporting that drives social change.

Panel speakers:

Andrea Simon, Director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition (chair)

Alessia Tranchese, academic and resource author

Alexandra Topping, journalist

Yvonne Roberts, journalist

Plus other speakers to be announced!