Reps' Training Stage 2, 20 April 2021

Putting together a pay claim, dealing with a bullying manager, creating an active chapel and negotiating a robust house agreement are among the skills of a successful rep.

The core reps' training is a four-stage programme which needs to be followed in order, as each module gradually builds key skills and knowledge.

This is stage 2. We ask that you do the courses in order, beginning with stage 1, as the programme gradually builds on your knowledge and experience.

Reps are the bedrock of the union and the NUJ offers full support and training to help them in their role, recruit more members to lighten the load and provide a collective voice for staff, casuals and freelances working in media, publishing and PR and communications.

The Stage 2 Learning Outcomes are:

  • Share the action points for developing your Branch/Chapel
  • Know how your Disciplinary and Grievance procedures work in practice
  • Explore your rights when representing members
  • Understand how to use a systematic approach to handling members' problems
  • Develop a survey to send to members

The courses are aimed at any new rep, a member who may be interested in getting more involved in their Chapel or Branch, or a more experienced rep who would like a refresher. The programme is relevant for any rep, whether they are staff or freelance.

Book or find out more

To book or for further information, please email NUJ training – [email protected]