Equality Workshop Stage 2, 13 May 2021

Become an NUJ equality rep with the union's two-stage training.

The two-stage Equality programme is designed to ensure reps feel confident when dealing with any of the issues that are raised with them during this time

This is stage 2. We ask that you do the courses in order, beginning with stage 1, as the programme gradually builds on your knowledge and experience.

The Stage 2 Learning Outcomes are:

  • Understand an employer's responsibility in relation to Risk Assessments
  • Explore a rep's rights to ask for information

The courses are aimed at any new rep, a member who may be interested in getting more involved in their Chapel or Branch, or a more experienced rep who would like a refresher. The programme is relevant for any rep, whether they are staff or freelance.

Book or find out more

To book or for further information, please email NUJ training – [email protected]


Caroline Holmes

Trade union trainer, NUJ